October 16, 2016

Story #3

Story #3 by Megan Bentley

Last year, my world changed when my two little boys came into My life.  As amazing as it was, the transition from caring for 2 people to 4 was a difficult one.  We had struggled with the amount of health problems our boys had and it was financially a frustrating thing.  One day, while we were on our way to a doctors appointment we couldn't afford, we stopped off at a bank to see what our account looked like.  When we came out there was a note on our vehicle with $100 attached.  The person who left it had no idea how in need we were or afraid.  But their kindness helped us when we were in great need.  I wish I could thank them in person, they were more of a blessing than they knew.

October 9, 2016

Story #2

Story #2 by Lee Anne Crooks

My kids and I were at Costco one day about three years ago and we were finally on our way out. It had been a tiring and trying time, since I was wrangling both boys myself. Max was 4 and Charlie was almost 3. Max kept trying to add things to the cart, and Charlie kept trying to eat everything in the cart. Even the constant flow of samples wasn't keeping him happy.

I was pushing the cart with Charlie riding in it and holding Max's hand as we exited the store. I accidentally stepped on Max's shoe lace, pulling his shoe off entirely. He bumped his food on the cart and started to cry. I apologized for stepping on his shoe, pulled him back onto the sidewalk and helped him get his shoe back on.

An older woman who must have seen the whole thing, came over to me as I was hugging Max and drying his tears. She told me that I was doing a good job being a mom. She said that other parents would have yelled at their kid and to see me apologize to him made her happy. 

It was a simple thing that she did, but it cheered me immensely. It was just what I needed to hear and I will never forget it. I've tried to pass it forward, by talking with other moms and slipping in compliments. I hope I make a little difference too.